also spelled Shmashana, Shmashāna, Śmaśāna. Shmashaana, Smashan, Shamshan,
Smasan, Smashana, Mahashmashan, Mahasmashana, and even Masan or Mashan,
is a Powerful Place of Truth,
where one can so clearly and easily see, experience and merge with Reality.
The Shmashan is not a place of fear or that should be feared.
Rather it is a place where all fears can be dispelled.
The Shmashan is a Place of Immense Purity, Complete Peace,
a Place where Amrit—the Divine Nectar of Immortality
can be tasted and feasted upon.
All fear leads back to the fear of death,
but that fear is unfounded because there is NO DEATH!
There is only Transformation!
Here in the Shmashana,
if you sit with eyes open, looking with real intent
to truly know what is the body and what is not the body,
you will see the Ultimate Truth for yourself.
You will understand in a way that goes beyond the mental.
You will understand with your soul...
Smasan, Smashana, Mahashmashan, Mahasmashana, and even Masan or Mashan,
is a Powerful Place of Truth,
where one can so clearly and easily see, experience and merge with Reality.
The Shmashan is not a place of fear or that should be feared.
Rather it is a place where all fears can be dispelled.
The Shmashan is a Place of Immense Purity, Complete Peace,
a Place where Amrit—the Divine Nectar of Immortality
can be tasted and feasted upon.
All fear leads back to the fear of death,
but that fear is unfounded because there is NO DEATH!
There is only Transformation!
Here in the Shmashana,
if you sit with eyes open, looking with real intent
to truly know what is the body and what is not the body,
you will see the Ultimate Truth for yourself.
You will understand in a way that goes beyond the mental.
You will understand with your soul...
The purpose of this site is to give you a little taste, a little glimpse
into the Bhava of the Shmashana.
For me it was immediately Life Changing,
Completely Transformational...
It Awoke The Deepest Part of me
The Smashan has become a living part of me
and part of me has never left...
I'd like to share it with you,
if you are ready to receive it.
Are you?
into the Bhava of the Shmashana.
For me it was immediately Life Changing,
Completely Transformational...
It Awoke The Deepest Part of me
The Smashan has become a living part of me
and part of me has never left...
I'd like to share it with you,
if you are ready to receive it.
Are you?